This afternoon a mother bobcat brought her two kittens into our fenced yard for a romp.
She had caught a small animal, maybe a squirrel or baby rabbit, and they were tossing it and rolling and chasing around while she lounged in the shade under a juniper. They played just like domestic kittens with a dead mouse, although these "babies" were the size of a grown housecat.
Their mother was probably forty pounds, nearly as big as our black lab.
Every now and then, she would go outside of the fence and walk around, then come back to check on the kittens. After the kittens tired of their play, mom ate the catch of the day. They must not have been hungry.
Finally, after about an hour, the outing was over and they went on their way.
These were the first bobcats I have seen here in thirty-five years, though other neighbors have reported seeing them.