Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dark of the moon, owl and coyote

Wakened this morning about 2 AM by an owl. Oddly, I had just been listening to sounds of different owls last night on the 'net. We have seen screech owls in the yard, but this was a great horned owl, for sure.

Fell back asleep to the soft calls, then woke just before six to hear them again. It was close... probably in the dead tree just east of the house. Allowing for Daylight "Savings" Time, it was a bit more than an hour before daybreak.

Last night was the dark of the moon; we are three days before the fall equinox. More calls-- there! we spotted it. Silhouetted against the early eastern dawn sky, perched right on top of the tallest trunk, peering around and calling.

Then a coyote barked, just on the other side of the fence, maybe 30 feet from the owl. They exchanged remarks for awhile, until about 6:30 the owl flew off to the northwest. My friend lives in an arroyo over that way, and reports such a creature in residence there.

No more sounds from Mr. coyote. Safe to let the Lab out? She's ready to go.

Glad we left the tall tree trunks standing; the idea was to carve them with figures to watch over us, like totem poles. Living, they were beautiful Balm of Gileads, giving shade and habitat for orioles and blackbirds. It was very sad when they died, but they are still beautiful in death.

"There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the wounded soul..."

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